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Is Invisalign Better?

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‘The Invisalign System has many advantages over traditional braces. Invisalign clear aligners fit your lifestyle – they don’t interrupt it. And at every stage, you’ll be able to see your smile progress and enjoy your smile as it transforms.’

Having said that, it is important to remember that Invisalign is not for everyone. A consultation with your dentist is the best way to find out if Invisalign is the way to go for you. In the meantime though, here are some Invisalign facts; some you may know and some you may not.

Maintain sparkly healthy teeth and gums.

  • Cleaning your teeth with Invisalign is a breeze compared to traditional braces.
  • Once you remove your aligners, just floss and brush as usually. Easy done.
  • Just take your aligners out to eat and drink, then brush your teeth before putting them back in. No more green bits stuck on your braces to battle with.
So if you’ve been dreaming of straightening your teeth what are you waiting for? To see if Invisalign is an appropriate option for you, contact us for a COMPLIMENTARY consultation with one of our dentist.
Love your smile!